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Our Story, Vision, and Mission

Our Story

Our Story

Learning Habitat began modestly in 2000 with one campus and just 4 students. We’ve since grown to eight campuses across Hong Kong providing high-quality bilingual education to over 3200 students every year. Our balanced curriculum, passionate teachers and strong parent network have enabled our students to learn happily while achieving outstanding placements in competitive primary schools. These powerful partnerships are what allow us to continually exceed our community’s expectations.

Looking ahead, we aim to evolve our growing campus network into an early childhood ecosystem that fosters thriving children and families. We will ensure that the curriculum, delivery and the children’s experience are equipping them with what they need in the future, and we will leverage appropriate educational technology that helps us refine and share best teaching practices. Beyond improved language fluency in Chinese and English, the result will be a more impactful learning experience for children that incorporates 21st century skills such as self awareness and relationship building.

School Motto


We value the spirit of curiosity, exploration, and pursuit of knowledge. We encourage students to ask questions, develop critical thinking, and seek new ideas and perspectives.


We equip students with the ability to learn autonomously, actively seek learning resources, engage in self-exploration, experimentation and reflection. We aspire that students gain profound learning experiences, and thereby understand the importance of continuous learning.


We nurture students to pursue excellence through life-long enhancement and consider that the sky is the limit. We unleash their potential in academics, sports, arts and other areas so that they become their best selves.

Vision and Mission


With our school motto, "DISCOVER, LEARN, & EXCEL," we are committed to becoming a caring community where parents, staff, and students work together to make us the premier human development organization in Hong Kong.


To provide 21st century early childhood education to students through innovative education practices, supported by long-lasting and positive relationships with teachers and parents.


To support the comprehensive development of our students, teachers and families, we’re forming an early childhood education ecosystem that innovates regularly with best practices. This means we will:

    • Live and breathe a growth-mindset throughout all levels of our SchoolLive and breathe a growth-mindset throughout all levels of our School
    • Create a feedback loop for refining our curriculum based on 21st century needs and identifying & nurturing ECE teaching best practiceCreate a feedback loop for refining our curriculum based on 21st century needs and identifying & nurturing ECE teaching best practice
    • Grow our teachers with attractive professional development and opportunities for innovative teachingGrow our teachers with attractive professional development and opportunities for innovative teaching
    • Connect parents, professionals and researchers to practical support and learning, both in-person and onlineConnect parents, professionals and researchers to practical support and learning, both in-person and online
    • Improve learning outcomes by combining data, technology, and the latest scientific research with consistent anecdotal evidence of learningImprove learning outcomes by combining data, technology, and the latest scientific research with consistent anecdotal evidence of learning
    • Serve our students and families better through holistic early childhood services and skill-based offeringsServe our students and families better through holistic early childhood services and skill-based offerings



    “…embraces child-centered curriculum and activities….”
    “…encourages self-directed learning…”
    “…ensures children’s safety and well-being…”

    Children’s life experiences form the centre of our interactive thematic lessons. Learning is augmented by a child-initiated activities in which practical skills are pursued. This special combination of academic and hands-on learning lets children build on their life experience as they develop cognitive and interpersonal skills.

    Bilingual Immersion
    Bilingual Immersion

    “…co-led by an English teacher and a Chinese teacher in each class…”
    “…integrated English and Chinese curriculum…”
    “…balanced immersion in both English and Chinese…”

    For children, the pre-school years are the golden period to acquire language skills. Our students are immersed in an integrated bilingual environment where they can acquire language abilities naturally. As a result, they learn to switch from one language to another effortlessly.

    Parents are our Partners
    Parents are our Partners

    “…caring teachers keep close contact with parents…”
    “…Parent-School Group organizes school events and activities…”
    “…take-home learning package cultivates parent-child relationship at home…"

    We believe that close cooperation between the school and families during children’s education will bring out the best effects on their learning and overall development, helping them realize their potential.