‘Parenting Young Children’ Book Club
11,18, 25 April & 2,9,16 May 2024 (Thu) 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Mrs. Garland Cheng
L H Families (Room 7A, 7/F, 133 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon)
L H Education is very pleased that Mrs. Garland Cheng has accepted our invitation to host a Book club.
Mrs Cheng is trained professionally as a pharmacist and a mother of 3 adult children, who dedicates herself to supporting healthy families thrive. In the book “Parenting Young Children: Systematic Training for Effective Parenting of Children under Six”, you will explore principles and skills that will help build healthy patterns of positive core values and behaviour in your young child(ren), the foundation for a lifetime of positive growth. In this book club, all participants will read the book chapter by chapter at your own pace, followed by group discussion at the meeting. Together you will discover ways of applying the STEP principles into your day-to-day parenting.